Hurricane Ministry

Hurricane Season 2023

The Hurricane ministry of our church's board of Deacons assists members in need of temporary housing during hurricanes or severe tropical storms. If you are in need of emergency housing during or after a storm, or if you are able to share your home with members-in-need, please contact Mickey Stewart at or Pastor Paul Means through the church office at 727-796-8090 or at

When calling to ask for emergency housing, whether you need to evacuate or if you are without power for a period of time, please provide you name, best contact information, number of people needing accommodation, the number and type of pets you have, and any special needs.

If emailing to offer housing, please use the subject "hurricane volunteer" and include your name, address, phone number, email address, number of people you can accommodate and whether you have pets or can accept them. If you know your evacuation zone, please include that.

Note that the Pinellas County Department of health maintains a special needs evacuation database of people who are mobility or otherwise impaired and may need assistance during a hurricane. Local fire and rescue departments call people on that list before an emergency and assist with evacuation. To put your name or that of a family member on the list, call 727-784-8668.

Finally, the best advise for all of us is to be prepared. One helpful resource is Click on "weather", then "hurricane Center" to find weather advisories, maps of evacuation zones and routes, and checklists for your family and pets.

Links to online resources on hurricane information and preparedness: 
This is a guide to being prepared for all type of emergencies, mostly hurricanes but also house fires and active shooter information.
This includes evacuation zones and routes, information about caring for pets, etc. 
This is a guide to special needs emergency shelters and pre-registration.