Christian Education Opportunities
We are offering ways for our Christian Education classes to meet in person and online.
Bible “TakeAways” Sunday School Class
“Biblical TakeAways” is a 10-10:45 AM adult Sunday School study class which is nestled between the two Northwood Sunday morning services . This allows worshipers from both services to attend. The study and discussion will offer key “takeaways” based upon central Biblical truths and principles which are relevant for class participants to apply in their daily lives. The class draws on commentaries from noted scholars, and it will use Prof. N. T. Wright’s commentary, Early Christian Letters for Everyone as the class begins a study of New Testament letters of James, Peter, John, and Jude. Join us as we study God’s word!
Fresh Brewed
Fresh Brewed will meets every 1st Friday of the month at 10:30am. We meet in rooms 5 & 7 of the Christian Education building. The book we are studying is From Daughters to Disciples by Lynn Japinga. If you need a book, please contact Marti Huff at If you have any questions, please contact Louise Mylin at
Presbyterian Women, led by Patty Martin and Sue Miskiewicz
The Presbyterian Women unified circle meets the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00am in rooms 4-8. We are studying a 9 month bible study entitled Celebrating Sabbath by Carol M. Bechtel. If you'd like a book, or more information regarding the multiple activities that Presbyterian Women engage in, please contact Patty Martin at or Sue Miskiewicz at